Tuesday 17 October 2017


This site is launched with the main idea of presenting to the common man complex-looking and appearing scientific and engineering theories in simple and easily understood language. It is a common fashion among many scientists to explain scientific theories using complex notations and language, which are usually indigestible to many. It is also a kind of escapism to use mathematics when a certain theory is not explainable in simple words (for example, the radiation from an antenna is explained using complicated mathematics and is not physically explained in simple language so far. A reason stated for this is that every scientific theory must be supported by mathematics. However, we strongly believe that any scientific theory must be physically explainable in simple words; this is our motto. It is our humble effort to present through this site many of such theories using simple notations, logic, and language that are easily understood by any student of science and ultimately, even by a layman.
          Secondly, we intend to publish articles containing original ideas that are not accepted by the so-called pundits or authorities of scientific theories. We also desire to make these articles free from the so-called formats of scientific journal articles. This means that we no longer follow these closed-shell structures so that there will be no limits on the type and size of font used, nature and size figures used, etc. as we are using internet as our medium.
          We also propose to include many original ideas that occur randomly to us or our subscribers. This is the reason why we have chosen the name of our site as “Random Electronic Ideas”. The original idea was to limit the discussions on electronic theories. However we have now decided to include and discuss in this site topics under any field in science.

We start the operations of the new site with an explanation of the famous Faraday’s Law of Electromagnetic Induction. This site is operated by Prof. B. Somanathan Nair and his students. 


“Nature is simple and straightforward and so are the rules governing and governed by it; it is us human beings who make them complex”


EDITOR: B. SOMANATHAN NAIR 1. INTRODUCTION In the previous two blogs, we had discussed operations of scaling and shifting on conti...